Por Dr. phil. Sônia T. Felipe
Impossível esconder a verdade! Da área não tomada pelas águas nesse planeta que devastamos, 30% hoje é destinada à agricultura para alimentação de animais não-humanos, que consomem 70% do total de grãos e cereais colhidos ao redor do mundo.
A carne desses animais devolve míseros percentuais do total de proteína nela investida. No caso da carne bovina, apenas 4%. Temos quase um bilhão de pessoas desnutridas e quase três bilhões de outras comendo excesso de proteína animalizada. Do planeta se tira a força, cultivando grãos e cereais com insumos e biocidas. Os animais são forçados a comer esses grãos e cereais cheios de veneno. Adoecem. Morrem. Os que não morrem são mortos para o corte de carnes.
As vacas são exploradas para extração diária de dezenas de litros de leite, quando essa secreção não passa de três litros diários, o suficiente para nutrir seu bebê. A vaca não evoluiu para prover humanos com seu leite. Se esses o consomem, isso se deve ao fato de que eles o roubam dos bezerros. Seus travéslas, extraído para servir à comilança humana. Se nasce macho e com saúde, seu destino não é melhor do que o de suas irmãs fêmeas. Será levado para a jaula, onde ficará por quatro meses. Será morto para o consumo dos apreciadores de carne de vitela.
Tudo o que os 56 bilhões de animais abatidos por ano, comem, toda a água que bebem, eles urinam e excretam. Aquela montanha de grãos e cereais que custou a vida das florestas vira outra, agora de excrementos e urinas. O ser humano, com sua dieta onívora insana, inventou a mágica de transformação de florestas nativas em maracanãs de excrementos espalhados pelo planeta afora, dos quais um quarto é carregado de fósforo e três de nitrogênio. Dessa montanha, não bastasse o gás metano já expelido pelos animais com digestão por fermentação entérica, ainda saem mais gás metano e amônia, destruindo a pureza do ar e contribuindo para o efeito estufa. Tudo isso é o que exala do prato centrado em carnes, laticínios e ovos.
Another Rescue Ink Mission Successfully Accomplished for Long Beach, NY
In 2011, Rescue Ink agreed to help serve
the citizens of Long Beach, N.Y. by opening and creating an
infrastructure for a municipal animal shelter. We are proud to
announce—despite the innumerable challenges brought upon the shelter by
Hurricane Sandy 2012—that the municipal shelter is once again open and
functioning to serve the Long Beach community.
Rescue Ink will continue to help the city
of Long Beach run the shelter, as we all embrace the task with the care
and compassion that we have always demonstrated. Rescue Ink will
continue to help the city of Long Beach to stop abuse and neglect, and
educate the public when needed.
Please stay tuned as we gear up for local
fundraisers and adoption events in the coming weeks. All information
will be posted on our events page on this website. We look forward to
working with the local community, the Animal Control Officers, and the
entire City to raise public awareness on behalf of our animals in need.
We thank the city of Long Beach for the
opportunity to create a safe haven for its forgotten animals. Rescue
Ink's core mission remains strong: to rescue abused and neglected
animals worldwide, as we have done successfully for over a decade.
Joe Panz
President, Rescue Ink
Rescue Ink's Gimme Shelter Fundraiser 2013!
On Monday, July 1st, 2013, Serata's
will host an evening with Rescue Ink for their Gimme Shelter Fundraiser
for 2013. Help support their cause for paws! Enjoy tapas, a great buffet
and top-notch entertainment...
Rescue Ink appearing at "On The Water Front" 2013!
Rescue Ink will be appearing as
"Special Guests" at the "On The Water Front" 2013 Spring Event Art &
Photo Sale on Sunday, May 19th. Live music by Nine Times Fallen. The
event will feature new paintings by artist...
We want to thank Pet Meds for their generous donation of urgently needed supplies!
1-800-PetMeds is an online pet pharmacy offering prescription/non-prescription pet medications & other health products. Visit 1-800-PetMeds >>
Copyright 2012 Rescue Ink. | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Site Map
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- See more at: http://www.rescueink.org/#sthash.6v8O5E4R.dpufAnother Rescue Ink Mission Successfully Accomplished for Long Beach, NY
In 2011, Rescue Ink agreed to help serve
the citizens of Long Beach, N.Y. by opening and creating an
infrastructure for a municipal animal shelter. We are proud to
announce—despite the innumerable challenges brought upon the shelter by
Hurricane Sandy 2012—that the municipal shelter is once again open and
functioning to serve the Long Beach community.
Rescue Ink will continue to help the city
of Long Beach run the shelter, as we all embrace the task with the care
and compassion that we have always demonstrated. Rescue Ink will
continue to help the city of Long Beach to stop abuse and neglect, and
educate the public when needed.
Please stay tuned as we gear up for local
fundraisers and adoption events in the coming weeks. All information
will be posted on our events page on this website. We look forward to
working with the local community, the Animal Control Officers, and the
entire City to raise public awareness on behalf of our animals in need.
We thank the city of Long Beach for the
opportunity to create a safe haven for its forgotten animals. Rescue
Ink's core mission remains strong: to rescue abused and neglected
animals worldwide, as we have done successfully for over a decade.
Joe Panz
President, Rescue Ink
Rescue Ink's Gimme Shelter Fundraiser 2013!
On Monday, July 1st, 2013, Serata's
will host an evening with Rescue Ink for their Gimme Shelter Fundraiser
for 2013. Help support their cause for paws! Enjoy tapas, a great buffet
and top-notch entertainment...
Rescue Ink appearing at "On The Water Front" 2013!
Rescue Ink will be appearing as
"Special Guests" at the "On The Water Front" 2013 Spring Event Art &
Photo Sale on Sunday, May 19th. Live music by Nine Times Fallen. The
event will feature new paintings by artist...
We want to thank Pet Meds for their generous donation of urgently needed supplies!
1-800-PetMeds is an online pet pharmacy offering prescription/non-prescription pet medications & other health products. Visit 1-800-PetMeds >>
Copyright 2012 Rescue Ink. | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Site Map
ShareThis Copy and Paste
- See more at: http://www.rescueink.org/#sthash.6v8O5E4R.dpufAnother Rescue Ink Mission Successfully Accomplished for Long Beach, NY
In 2011, Rescue Ink agreed to help serve
the citizens of Long Beach, N.Y. by opening and creating an
infrastructure for a municipal animal shelter. We are proud to
announce—despite the innumerable challenges brought upon the shelter by
Hurricane Sandy 2012—that the municipal shelter is once again open and
functioning to serve the Long Beach community.
Rescue Ink will continue to help the city
of Long Beach run the shelter, as we all embrace the task with the care
and compassion that we have always demonstrated. Rescue Ink will
continue to help the city of Long Beach to stop abuse and neglect, and
educate the public when needed.
Please stay tuned as we gear up for local
fundraisers and adoption events in the coming weeks. All information
will be posted on our events page on this website. We look forward to
working with the local community, the Animal Control Officers, and the
entire City to raise public awareness on behalf of our animals in need.
We thank the city of Long Beach for the
opportunity to create a safe haven for its forgotten animals. Rescue
Ink's core mission remains strong: to rescue abused and neglected
animals worldwide, as we have done successfully for over a decade.
Joe Panz
President, Rescue Ink
Rescue Ink's Gimme Shelter Fundraiser 2013!
On Monday, July 1st, 2013, Serata's
will host an evening with Rescue Ink for their Gimme Shelter Fundraiser
for 2013. Help support their cause for paws! Enjoy tapas, a great buffet
and top-notch entertainment...
Rescue Ink appearing at "On The Water Front" 2013!
Rescue Ink will be appearing as
"Special Guests" at the "On The Water Front" 2013 Spring Event Art &
Photo Sale on Sunday, May 19th. Live music by Nine Times Fallen. The
event will feature new paintings by artist...
We want to thank Pet Meds for their generous donation of urgently needed supplies!
1-800-PetMeds is an online pet pharmacy offering prescription/non-prescription pet medications & other health products. Visit 1-800-PetMeds >>
Copyright 2012 Rescue Ink. | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Site Map
ShareThis Copy and Paste
- See more at: http://www.rescueink.org/#sthash.6v8O5E4R.dpuf
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